
Thanks for being here!

There are many ways in which you can contribute to the development of Cascade.


Run Cascade on your system. See if you can find those pesky bugs. Create an issue on Github if you got one.


There is a feature you would really like to see? Or there is an existing feature that you think could be improved? Let us know about it!

UI/UX and design

Give feedback on the UI and how it could be improved. If you are a designer, maybe you want to help create a website? Or maybe you have a Youtube channel and want to make a tutorial video?


Is there something that you would like to see in the documentation? From a developer’s point of view it is sometimes very hard to tell what’s obvious and what’s not. Getting an outside view is very much appreciated.


If you know how to write GLSL you could add new effects to Cascade by writing a shader. Or you could improve an existing one, check out the shaders folder.


Look through the open issues and see if you can find something that interests you. If you need further information or clarification, don’t hesitate to ask on Github or Discord.