Building from Source


To build the project on Windows, you will have to install Qt and the Vulkan SDK manually. All other dependencies are handled by vcpkg.

Windows versions are compiled with MSVC 2019 64bit.

Install Qt for open source using the official installer. At the moment we are using version 5.15.2.

Make sure you have an environment variable QT5_DIR pointing to the path of your Qt installation. The path might look like this:


Get the Vulkan SDK and install it. We are currently using version The environment variable VULKAN_SDK has to be set to your Vulkan SDK. For example:


It’s easiest to use Qt Creator as IDE, but feel free to use Visual Studio if you want.

Open a command prompt and clone the Cascade repository:

git clone

Enter the project directory and install vcpkg:

cd Cascade
git clone

Now you can install all other dependencies using the command below:

.\vcpkg\vcpkg --feature-flags="versions" --triplet=x64-windows  install

This will take a while to compile but upon completion you should be able to open the project in Qt Creator, configure your environment and build.


To download source files and dependencies, you can run:

git clone
cd Cascade/scripts

This script might ask you for the administrator password if a package dependency can be insalled via the system package manager.

Now, open the file with QtCreator.